How to re-use all the boxes from your online orders!
Since we shop more and more online it means that more and more boxes are traveling around. Cardboard boxes that often get thrown out with the trash. Let's take a moment and think what else can we do with them.
Especially during the winter period we love to get ideas for indoor activities. One of our first ideas on how to re-use all these cardboard boxes was crafting.
There are so many super cool ideas out there, all by very creative and inspiring people, that we thought that it is time to share some of these!
Cardboard crafts with kids are an easy way to spend a rainy afternoon. You could even just put all your crafting tools on the table, add a few boxes and sit back.
Or you go with one of these ideas and make a washing machine, bird wings or a marble race game.
This will also be a really good moment to talk about sustainability with your kids. We are sure they will come up with more ideas. Re-use, recycling and finding new life for old things is essential and important for our earth!
Cardboard washing machine.
If your kids love role play they will love this craft. A washing machine made from a cardboard box of any size (and basically how big you would like it). It is so easy and you can add a fridge, dryer or dish washer depending on the stock of boxes in your pantry. By Estefi Machado.
Giant cardboard birds.
Got some big deliveries? Krokotak has a great idea on what to do with them – get out the scissors, paint and glue and make some big and colourful birds.
Mother’s Day compliments dice.
Mother’s Day is not far and La Maison de Loulou has this cool craft for you. Compliments dice! How fun! Make these with your smaller size boxes.
A cardboard labyrinth.
Frugal fun for boys made this cardboard box marble labyrinth game. Simple to put together and fun for a long time.
Cardboard Play Roads.
Mr.Printables has the template for this fun craft. Building a road way is always a good idea. And it is super easy with these printable road templates. Simply print and play!
For the advanced crafter: Wearable Bird Wings and Parrot Hat.
Designed by Lottie Smith and instructions to be found through instructables.
Idea: Using an eclectic mix of packaging in order to illustrate the use of average household waste. Fascinating!
We also highly recommend the Cardboard Construction Sets from Makedo.
A simple to use, open-ended system of tools to build imaginative and useful creations from upcycled cardboard. These make great gifts as well!
Another fantastic idea is the Give Back Box!
We hope that we could inspire you. Please keep your boxes and re-use them for fun crafts or other good causes. Let us know which cardboard craft you will try with your kids this week end?