The world of Olli Ella

DESIGN, Decoration, Must haves, SHOPPING

Sisters Chloe and Olivia Brookman launched Olli Ella, an interiors range, in 2010 in London, UK. They designed a nursing chair that was modern, comfortable and stylish after Chloe could not find anything on the market. The two created the kind of chair that can graduate to the living room once the nursing years are over.

Since then the brand has grown and today you can find storage baskets, bedding, rugs or toys.
Every piece is made for a child’s space, but looks fabulous in grown-up spaces too. Olli Ella make beautiful fair trade, handmade products that you will love.

Olli Ella

Olli Ella

Olli Ella

Olli Ella

Olli Ella

Our collections give a wink to our travels abroad, like our Nepalese felt wool rugs or our Moroccan-inspired bedding collection.

Olli Ella creates products that inspire us. Inspire us to make our homes more beautiful, to play and maybe to be a bit more organized.

And they are serious about quality.

We manufacture all of our nursery furniture and baby bedding in England and Australia using the finest materials. And when we do import from overseas, we hand-pick suppliers who are fair trade and share our ethos of quality and attention to detail.

Chloe and Olivia draw inspiration from their children and from their own childhoods. Creating nostalgic and at the same time modern designs. And we love that everything is made to look great anywhere in a family home. Playroom, kitchen or living room. The baskets for example are perfect for storing toys, blankets and throws, blocks and lego. They look fabulous in any room!

Olli Ella

And when you look around – the baskets became household staples. Every child on Instagram, it seems, has a luggy and since the Reva, changing baskets are the new must-have in every nursery.


Olli Ella
