Mum’s reading list #11
MUM, Motherhood
Wow, our very last list of the best reads for you mum's is done. One year of Luna is slowly coming together...
… and we are happy to close 2018 with this fabulous list.
As usual, we have the next mix of culture, motherhood, women as well as some gossip and interior. Some pretty images and also some longer reads.
Something to think about and something to get inspired. Just what we want to be for you. Every day!
Let’s start:
5 Smart Money Moves for 2019.
You want to eat more healthy in 2019? Start by making this especially decadent vegan chocolate spread.
Elizabeth Stewart is a former fashion editor and now one of the most sought-after stylists in Hollywood. Here she shares on how to make it in the industry.
We know the list of most influential women and men, and there is another list now: 25 most influential teens!
The future of organic farms.
Journalism today – 42 top people of the industry share their stories and point of view.
Most popular baby names in 2018. (and least popular)
Insta kids and fame.
Female gamers.
Sleep. Lots or not at all.
Important topic – mental health and boys!
Stunning family home in Oakland.
Healthy? Great! And you should still take these annual doctor appointments seriously.