Treasure Boards from One Two Three

Product of the month: Treasure Boards from One Two Tree

DESIGN, Decoration

Imagine the perfect little shelf to display all the little treasures and trinkets your children have.

It is called My Treasure Boards and is our Product of the Month of October! One Two Tree is proudly Australian made and supports artisan craftsmanship, hand making, and local production.

And those beautiful shelves are made from premium grade Australian hoop pine plywood. Therefore, we think that these are perfect for your child’s’ favourite toys, trinkets, and finds!

Here at, we adore the unique design and only have one wish, or better, hope: Please add some more countries!

Treasure Boards from One Two Three

Of course, we love Australia and New Zealand shaped shelves. And these are perfect for locals, a memory for an unforgettable holiday or a great gift for a tiny jet-setter.

Which country would you like to add? Until then, we are very happy with the cute clouds too. And that adorable house, it even has stairs and a ladder to go up to the roof!

Also note, that the natural wood makes it really easy to integrate into any home and style.

Treasure Boards from One Two Three

Treasure Boards from One Two Three

Treasure Boards from One Two Three

Now, all the little things that are important and tend to get lost easily, have found their spot.

And don’t you agree, that these treasure boards really make for a perfect Product of the Month?

Also: Do you wonder what our Product of the Month of September was?

All images: One Two Three

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